Buyer Beware: The Expert Trainer Who Can Help You With EVERYTHING

I LOVE using this photo

I LOVE using this photo

Piggybacking off a post during the final weeks of December about deciding to be great at one maybe two things and punting all else; I'd like to elaborate around the context of Personal Training. 

As a consumer one should be weary of hiring a coach who claims they're an expert at all things fitness and health. No one coach is THE BEST at building muscle, losing weight, sports performance, rehabilitative exercise, and nutrition.

Lets take Mike Reinold of Champion Physical Therapy based in Boston, Mass who is an extremely talented Strength and Conditioning coach and PT (Physical Therapist). Does one think he is not capable of working with physique competitors? While he's most likely well versed in the process, his main business is working with athletes and post rehab patients. He wouldn't be setting himself or his client up for the best chance at succeeding.

On the other end of the spectrum lets take Bret Contreras who runs the Glute Lab based out of Phoenix, AZ. As a PhD researcher he's one of the leaders in glute hypertrophy (muscle building) and if someone came to him with a SLAP tear of the shoulder, Bret would have an idea of what to do but this type of client would be better suited to someone like Mike because that's his area of expertise. 

Each coach is great at what they do and would most likely know what to do with their respective clients. If they however were able to swap people, they would have even better chances at success.  Great coaches are well versed at all aspects of training but they know what one or two things they're actually "experts" in. 

I am a former professional cook and Precision Nutrition level 1 coach, I feel confident in cooking healthy tasty meal prep for my clients. In addition to that, I am a well versed strength coach who uses strength to aide in weight loss and rehab. 

I know how to put muscle on, as well as improving sport performance, but if I received a client whom I thought a colleague would better suited at aiding the client, they'd be on their way with a referral.

In my opinion, looking for a coach who can succinctly state what they're GREAT at is one of the things I would look for in a coach or personal trainer.

Jack of all trades, master of none

How I Build Strong Clients Safely


This January marks the seven year anniversary that I've been paid to build strong resilient humans. In that time I can't even count on my two hands how many people I've hurt or injured!

That's because that number is ZERO!!
(One moment while I run around my apartment knocking on every piece of wood ten times over)

To an outsiders perspective my client programs don't wow your socks off. Some might say they look repetitive and boring. But what they don't see on paper is the end result of 2-3 sessions a week after a year. I help individuals get strong as an ox while also improving their mobility and joint health.

My training is all steak and no sizzle

There is no rotating circus moves on a bosu ball or hanging from a bar adductor work (I can't make this stuff up people!). What you will find are time tested movements and exercises that work. I vary my programs up by changing up tempo, loading protocols and positioning.

If you want to make individuals strong you need to make them good at lifting. I coach my clients toward mastery of movements. As they master the movement and get stronger, I can then open up my playbook of exercises if the client wishes to try them or if I think it will help them towards their bigger goals.

What My Programs Consist Of:

  • Squat
  • Hip Hinge (deadlifts)
  • Vertical Push & Pull
  • Horizontal Push & Pull
  • Loaded Carries
  • Anti-Extension Core 
  • Anti-Rotation Core
  • Select Flexion Based Core
  • Arm Work (Cuz who doesn't like a good arm pump)

All of the above alternate between unilateral and bilateral movement. Also incorporating in frontal plane (side-to-side) and transverse plane (thinking rotational) specific patterns.


Day 1

A1) Front Squat
A2) Chest supported DB Row
B1) Sumo Deadlift
B2) Face Pulls
C1) Side plank
C2) One arm KB Racked Carry

Day 2

A1) DB Bench Press
A2) TRX Inverted Rows
B1) DB Z-Press
B2) Farmer's Walks
C1) Plank
C2) Prone Trap Raise

Day 3

A1) Split Squat
A2) Pull Ups
B1) Hip Thrusts
B2) Seated One Arm Cable Row
C1) Pallof Press
C2) Waiters Walk

Day 4

A1) Barbell Front Loaded Reverse Lunge
A2) DB Floor Press
B1) Single Leg RDL
B2) Chest Supported DB Row
C1) Kneeling Stability Ball Rollouts
C2) One Arm KB Racked Walk

Season's Greetings


The holiday season is as much a time to celebrate as it is to reflect back on the year that was. For those people who are going in the right direction and are happy keep doing what you're doing. But for any individuals out there who may be feeling a bit down or underwhelmed by what you're currently doing I say take heed, perhaps I can help give you some perspective. 

I too would always get down on what I'd currently be doing. Saying I'm not doing enough or not trying hard enough. When I would step back and look at the year as a whole I would feel very differently. 

"We overestimate what we can accomplish in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year"

So cut yourself some slack if you can honestly say you've moved forward this year. If you've checked something off your lifetime to-do list or started on the path to something bigger and better; you're set up to succeed in 2017. We all want to rush to the end, to the diploma or the lofty retirement when we should enjoy the process of getting there as much if not more than actually getting there. 

I am constantly grateful for all the down times because without that I would never full appreciate where I am and never forget where I was. This holiday season I fill myself with gratitude and appreciation for everything I have.

I don't need anything

Exercise Breakdown: Band Pullapart

This is one of my go-to movements for teaching good upper body posture and is a great  exercise to improve cuff strength. 

It however is often done incorrectly and for high volumes at that! 

The two biggest mistakes are:

Viewed from the front the person looks okay, but stand to the side and you see them in a ton of extension. 

Viewed from behind at the shoulder blades, you shouldn't see excessive scapular retraction. The movement doesn't have the person moving much past neutral and should mostly be the ball moving on the socket in the shoulder. 

Here you want to get them into a neutral spine throughout the movement.

An easy way to fix this is to perform them supine over a foam roller or half foam roller if available. The roller helps keep your back neutral and as an added bonus gives you feedback about the second issue of being overly aggressive with retracting the scapula.

When you see the shoulder blades pinching aggressively together it doesn't sync the shoulder blade and the humerus which can lead to dysfunctional movement patterns and muscle recruitment. 

You ideally want to separate the motion at the humerus before the scapula moves at the end. If you don't feel it burning (mostly) behind the shoulders, you're not doing it right. 

Day in the Life

Question: "I'm an aspiring trainer getting my certification and have been following you for some time now on social media. I was wondering what's a day like for you?"

My day often beings anywhere from 5am to 6:30am where I roll out of bed and make the same breakfast I've had for years.

3 eggs, 2 pieces of toast and 14oz black coffee pour over. While eating I'll answer any e-mails or I'll study for 25 minutes.

After I get cleaned up and changed I head out to the gym for my morning sessions. While in the car I no longer listen to music instead I'll have on a podcast or a book from audible. This is the plan so long as I don't carry a passenger where I'll play music and not subject them to my books and podcasts.

My morning's fluctuate from one client to as many as four depending on the day. Most mornings I'm free after 10am where I get to workout about 90 minutes. If I don't have any clients immediately after I will head home to eat lunch and get some work done on my computer.

This work ranges from:

  • Creating content
  • Outlining posts for all social media platforms for the week and what needs to be documented for them
  • More Reading/watching a video on whatever it is I'm currently studying
  • Programming
  • Recipe testing
  • Research for future business development

If I have any time before I have to get cleaned up and head back out to work I'll try to bask in my cats love or lack thereof. 

They love me...I think

They love me...I think

I'll usually start working with clients about 3:30-5pm until about 8:30-9:30pm again depending on the day. I'll slumber home and warm up my dinner which I've usually prepped ahead of time. I'll put it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes while I shower. Again bask in my cats love before doing little more work again on the computer or study for 30-40 minutes. In bed by 10-10:30pm.

Lather, rinse, repeat the next day.