I'm a little more than half way through my Massage Therapy program. 

Most of the time I leave my home between 530-7am and don't get home until about 9-10pm. 

When I get home, it's tidy and dinner is often waiting for me. My wife doesn't really enjoy cooking but for this brief period she has hot food waiting for me. I don't often get to tell her how thankful I am for all her help but I know that without her help and constant support I would not have the energy to put in 12+hour days 5-6 times a week. She has a lot of other things on her plate but she is always there to lend me a hand or pick up the slack when I'm not around. Basically: I'm certain I would have misplaced my head from my shoulders without her.

For any successful man, there's always a highly supportive and loving woman behind him. These guys need to be sure to let their wives know how thankful they are, I know I am.